6 Ways You Could Reduce or Prevent the Risk of Falls
Falls must never be underestimated. Sure some falls are nothing and won’t cause any major incident, but when they do, it can lead to unwanted injuries, difficulties, or in extreme cases, death. We can’t just sit, wait and let it happen. What can we do? Well, you would be happy to know that we can identify the risk associated with falling. After we do identify them, we can remove or avoid those possible hazards making our lives safer. Here are the six (6) ways you could reduce or prevent the risk for falls.
1. Think before you act
The simplest yet most effective in preventing or reducing the risk of falls. It tells us to assess and judge our surroundings and ourselves before we do something. Prior to an action or task, look around and see if there are obstacles that can make you fall. Consider the following:
If you wish to carry something, can you carry it properly?
If you have difficulty walking, is there someone who can help you?
Is there available light you can use before you enter a dark room?
All these examples are for you to understand that simply thinking before you act can make a whole difference not only in preventing falls, but in life itself.
2. Seek healthcare advice
When it comes to health and well-being, It is highly recommended to seek advice from health care professionals. After all, it is you and your health that we are talking about. So naturally, you may want to acquire the most reliable source of information. They are numerous health care professionals that can aid you but the three best examples are the physicians, nurses, and physical therapists.
3. Diet and Nutrition
Having a healthy diet is crucial not only in preventing falls but for countless reasons. Eating proper meals with a healthy balance of nutrition can prevent chronic health conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, and lethargy. Accompanying the unfortunate conditions of health will be potentials for falls through the difficulty in gait, weakness of the body and many more underlying disabilities.
4. Physical Activity
If you don’t move it, you lose it. Yes, inactivity can be a major risk of falls. How? Well, if you do not do regular exercise or any physical activity, then your body will weaken. A weaker body can result in a person having difficulty to move, that’s where the increase in the risk of falls comes in. Exercise a bit, do activities within your acceptable limits, and stay strong cause you need it to function properly.
5. Clothes and Footwear
Imagine those baggy pants and shiny plastic shoes including the sole, or imagine wearing high heels in inappropriate places. Yes, obviously problems in footwear or the clothes you wear can hinder your movement, create an improper gait, and cause imbalance.It would be wise to use clothes and footwear that comfortably fits your physique. After all, walking around in uncomfortable shoes and clothes is something you probably don’t want.
6. Home Safety
75% of falls occur at homes and you already know, we can reduce the chance of falling significantly. Clutters of objects on the ground, a pet running around at home, electric cords strewn on the floor, or a bathroom with a broken light. All these potential hazards are present at your home, and you may want to do some modifications to support the physical abilities and functioning of older adults and all those who are at a great risk for falling at your residence.
With these six (6) ways you could reduce or prevent the risks for falls, you are now wiser than you were before. If you would like to learn more about us and acquire details of this topic, subscribe to us now.